Khaoscat's Blog

Vintage -Cute-Sweet-Sewing and Craft

Dresses July 1, 2010

Filed under: How to....,Me,Sewing — khaoscat @ 6:54

I love to sew! I don’t go a day without sewing something up, from stuffed animals to dress to p.j. pants for me and the kids.

I have made several dresses, only a few have made it to fruition due to my high standards I have on myself. One of the dresses I made turned into a nightgown because the seams where a little wonky. Here are the dresses I have proud of. Please let me know what you think. I thrive on input and I always need inspiration. Thanks.


Fascinators June 3, 2010

Filed under: How to....,Me,Other Crafty Stuff — khaoscat @ 6:54

Sooooooo I like to make things. All sorts of things like fascinators. Here are some of my newer ones. Dont forget they are for sale on my ETSY. If you want one you see here just let me know. I also do special orders.

I tried some new photography techniques, I would love to know what you think??

I will blog on my vintage finds tomorrow.  Stay tuned……


Recipe for Fry Bread May 29, 2010

Filed under: Family,How to.... — khaoscat @ 6:54

3 cups all purpose flour

1 tablespoon baking powder

1/2 tsp. salt

1 1/2 cups warm water

Oil for frying

Enjoy with beans, meat and cheese or Veg. version with beans and cheese only.

My favorite way to eat is with butter and fresh local honey!



Indian Fry Bread

Filed under: Family,How to.... — khaoscat @ 6:54

My children and I are Mono Indians from the great North Fork band of Mono Indians. Even though we are of light hair and eyes from our english side we are also native. Thanks to my Mother and her Mother we have a great recipe that has been passed down maybe changed a little but still delicious called Indian Fry bread. We eat it at our Pow Wows and use beef and beans and cheese as a topper. Here are some pictures of my daughter Devyn who loves to make it at least once a week.

 I will have the recipe up soon!



What I made today! May 27, 2010

Filed under: How to....,Other Crafty Stuff,Vintage — khaoscat @ 6:54

I have been working on several projects. One is a vintage Hippo dish I turned into a pin cushion. I also used some vintage H.Hobbie  wallpaper that used to be in my sisters room when she was little. She is now 37! I put the wallpaper pieces I cut on pieces of wood as new hangable pictures. I will get these things into my Etsy shops soon.